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Even More Comics

Even more more comics.

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Manga Reviews by I.M. Stinky

Why we done it


Shh.. it's a secret

Washu'sExistence that isn't THAT useless...

Zephyr's unrelated stuff

Email Us

Anime Lyrics by J. Wonderful


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Me (and other IMPORTANT people like Washu..)

I am Rondell, Or atleast that's my username. I am eleven years old, the second born in a family of two. I love sprite comics, and I hope to be a cartoonist some day.

I am Washu. That's my nickname... at school and online. I'm almost 14 and I'm going on to 8th grade this September 7th. I'm the elder sister of my family of four. (there's four people in my family and apparently there's only two people in Rondell's family-- he and his brother O_o) I like manga almost to the point of being obsessed. I said almost cuz I don't wanna be considered a geeky otaku. Right now, I want to be a manga artist and learn how to make video games. I'm a big Nintendo fan!!! *glomps Link from Zelda and Mario from... Mario... ^_^;;)  

The History Behind My Site

I invented my site for two simple reasons, to bring families together,


Anyway, this site has, the manga reviews by a dimented half demon, some mindeless jabber by a crazed little girl, and anime lyrics by some guy I don't know, and  MY COMICS!

why are you still reading?!

yes, I was constantly trying to find a site that was both good, and free, freeservers.com was the one site that worked for me, my site rocks! O.o                                                                              

       well, there's also keenspace....but that's too complicated, also there's geocities................................

if you want to see the list of ALL the sites and shtuff I made look here.
the links to all my internet related pages.

the poll from the secret page


there is normally a witty banter at the bottom of the pages.